Kala Ambrose Wisdom Teacher

kala wisdom teachings Aug 26, 2019

Some call me a teacher. I like to say I do not teach, rather I help souls remember who they are, including how to awaken their psychic abilities.

This knowledge is timeless and universal and each person retains this intuitive information deep within their soul where they hold the keys. When they are ready to remember who they are and why they are here, the inner door to the soul opens and true wisdom/gnosis (knowledge combined with experience) is revealed.

I believe that psychic ability is raised to its highest level when individuals gather with mystical wisdom, deep compassion and a discerning desire to provide service to humanity.

I believe that we are all born with a great purpose in our life. We are all unique and arrived with a divine plan of what we would like to accomplish and experience here on earth.

It is my philosophy that intuition is all encompassing, living within and amongst us in each moment, thought and action and so the journey begins...✨

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