In Love, Light and Gratitude from Kala

kala Jun 29, 2019
Dear Friends and Soul Family,
Thank You.
The love and support that you have all expressed to me since my husband passed away has been so generous and kind.  
I’ve gone through many tests and tribulations in this lifetime, but losing my dear, sweet, incredible husband, the love of my life, my best friend, my champion, my support system, in such a sudden way, knocked me to my knees and then to the floor, in a way that no other hurt ever has or ever will…
I’ve read all of your notes, cards, emails, texts and social media comments and they have been a great comfort to me during this time. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and memories of my sweet husband, for being such a strong support system during my most challenging moments and for lifting me up with your hopeful thoughts and prayers.
In one brief moment, my life was forever altered and the life that I have known has come to a close.  I hold with me the memories, the love, and the bittersweet understanding that I was unconditionally loved by a man who adored the person I am, cherished me every moment of the day and the evening and wanted only the best for me.
I loved him just as equally in return and this type of love is rare, where each person thinks about the other and wants to do all they can for them, while watching their love grow deeper and more fully year after year. This is the love we shared and I am forever grateful.
Though my sweet husband no longer resides in his physical form on the earth plane, we are still connected in Spirit and he comes to be with me, providing great comfort. 
As a Wisdom Teacher and Spiritual Being in a Human package, my journey is to understand that all things happen in Divine Order and there is a higher purpose for each action.
While I am immensely grateful for this continued connection and the knowledge that love is eternal, I also am incredibly human, in deep grief and miss being in his arms and sharing the mundane daily experiences in human form.
As a Woman in Love with her Man, I have no words to express the depth of this loss.
So, I have to howl in the wind and in the rain for a while and belong to no one and no where, in order to grieve and in time, to heal. I know you understand…
As a small comfort, I hold deep within me that it is truly better “to have loved” like I was loved, and be able to love back so deeply, “and then lost” than “never to have loved at all”.
This man, whom I have spent many lifetimes with, is a true champion in every sense of the word. Each moment we shared is a lifetime that I hold in my heart and in my soul.
Your kindness and support for me during this time is truly appreciated as I enter this journey.
Thank You for holding me in your heart.
I dearly appreciate the love, support, compassion, kind thoughts, and healing energy that you share with me.
May the light shine upon each of you, blessing you daily.
In Love, Light and Gratitude,
Kala Ambrose
Your Travel Guide to the Other Side

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